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RAIN, RAIN, Go Away ….

One thing that I have been warned about by other vendors is wind. They spoke of having a plan to ensure that your merchandise is secure on your display tables to prevent them from blowing away during a storm. Did I listen to this advise? No, I did not. Instead I went with what I thought looks nice and pleasing to anyone walking by on a perfectly normal day. But then the inevitable happened. A storm blew through the outdoor market that I was attending. There were several canopies that did not survive. Thankfully I did not lose my canopy; however, my merchandise went everywhere. I was chasing down my product all over place and it was so stressful. After the storm passed, I reorganized my tables and shook my head at why I was not better prepared for this after people had already warned me. Uggg. I need to come up with a Plan B for these raining and windy days.

I was walking through Hobby Lobby the other day, and all of a sudden my Plan B hit me. I am soooo excited about this idea, that I believe it will work perfectly in keeping with my theme color and presentment.

Stay tuned for the big reveal coming soon. 🙂